Climate Crisis
Debate: Is the Democrats’ Talkathon on Climate Change Just Talk?
Center for American Progress Director of Climate Strategy Daniel Weiss and IPS Fellow Daphne Wysham debate whether the Senate Democrat's all-nighter meant they are serious about tackling global warming.
Developed Nations Give Up on Stopping Climate Change, Turn to Mitigating Impact, Largely Abandoning Third World
Inu00a0"Windfall," McKenzie Funk writes about those who would make money off of climate change, acknowledging the droll ironies of a society that can profit from its own self-destruction.
Pentagon Calls Climate Change Impacts “Threat Multipliers,” Could Enable Terrorism
The U.S. Department of Defense released a report declaring the threat of climate change impacts a very serious national security vulnerability that could enable further terrorist activity.
By the Way, Your Home Is on Fire: The Climate of Change and the Dangers of Stasis
Right now, you can think of the way we're living as an office tower and the fossil fuel economy as a plane crashing into it in very, very, very …
Whistleblower Evan Voke’s Evidence Against TransCanada Whitewashed By Regulators
Are regulators whitewashing TransCanada's performance record by not making incident and inspection reports available to the public or the press?
Viva la #SharingSpring!
As spring begins to bloom, the sharing economy movement is ramping up its activities with a series of events being planned in different cities and world regions.
Ecosocialism: Putting on the Brakes Before Going Over the Cliff
Ecosocialism is an attempt to provide a radical, civilizational alternative to capitalism, rooted in the basic arguments of the ecological movement, and in the Marxist critique of political economy.
The Left and the Environment
Unlike most left issues, the environmental crisis affects everyone. But this universality seems politically problematic to some on the Left. They worry that the injustices and miseries against which …
Keystone PipeLIES Exposed: The Facts on Petroleum Politicians, Crude Money and Media Spin
TransCanada aimed to build this pipeline five years ago, and they still haven't. That's saying something about the efforts of activists throughout the country.
Profiteers Are Lining Up To Make Money Off Global Warming
Yes, there are profiteers positioned to make fortunes off of the misery of climate change. Read about the details in “Windfall: The Blooming Business of Global Warming.”