Climate Crisis
Abrupt Climate Change: No Bioperturbation
“Climate change” is not the most critical issue facing society today; abrupt climate change is.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: US Nuclear Regulators Are Hiding the Risk of a Fukushima-Style Incident, and More
Recently released documents show that since Fukushima, our nuclear regulators have been playing down the risk of a similar incident happening in the US, and more.
You Can Now Drive Across The US For Free, Mainstream Media Ignores It
A car company has announced that you can now drive an electric car across the continental US for FREE. And yet our corporate media does not seem to think …
Reporting on a World of Environmental Catastrophes – All in Just One Month
Record-setting droughts and ferocious storms; the poisoning of our food, air and water; the dying off of species; the unearthing and spread of superbugs and diseases; ever-growing piles of …
Climate Disruption Dispatches, With Dahr Jamail
The reality of Anthropogenic Climate Disruption (ACD) continues to outstrip our ability to model worst-case scenarios, as it is happening so much faster than was ever anticipated. Sixty-three percent …
Indigenous Voices in Climate Activism: Autonomous or Subjugated?
The voices of First Nations, often key to environmental activism through land right battles, should not be subsumed by other activist groups, says Sara Santiago.
Lakota Vow: ‘Dead or in Prison Before We Allow the KXL Pipeline’
President Obama is scheduled to be make a final decision on the pipeline by the middle of 2014.
The West’s Coming Tragedy of the Commons
John Wesley Powell and FDR warned about the California and Colorado Basin droughts and proposed ecological solutions that Congress ignored. We are beginning to reap the whirlwind.
Realistic Left Politics in Texas
In Texas and everywhere else, a realistic politics should challenge not only obvious opponents on the right, but untrustworthy allies in the center.
Debate: Is the Democrats’ Talkathon on Climate Change Just Talk?
Center for American Progress Director of Climate Strategy Daniel Weiss and IPS Fellow Daphne Wysham debate whether the Senate Democrat's all-nighter meant they are serious about tackling global warming.