Climate Crisis
Tar Sands Pipeline Planned for Dane County Eclipses Keystone XL
Whether or not the Keystone XL pipeline will transport tar sands oil from Canada through the US is a critical decisions affecting our future.
State of the Union Shows Obama Still Needs Movement Pressure on Climate
The President's speech could be called the State of the Climate in the Union.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: We May Have Reached a Climate Tipping Point, and More
Human activity is destroying the very systems that keep us alive, and more.
Dahr Jamail | Mourning Our Planet: Climate Scientists Share Their Grieving Process
Climate scientists share their rage, fears and hopes over the damage being done to our world.
Is Reinvestment a Good Strategy for the Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement?
Fossil fuel divestment is a powerful climate change strategy that must not be distracted by economics.
Trading Away Our Environmental Future: The Trans-Pacific Partnership
If we can stop the TPP agreement, future trade negotiations may be more positive for communities and the planet.
Dahr Jamail | The Methane Monster Roars
The release of previously trapped methane stores into the atmosphere will magnify the effects of feedback loops and climate disruption.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Last Year Was the Hottest Year on Record, and More
In today's On the News segment: According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, 2014 was hotter than any other year in their 120 years of record keeping, and more.
Why Do Republicans Reject Human-Made Climate Change?
It is a testament to the political spin machine that an issue like climate change can be so polarizing.
Integrated Farming: The Only Way to Survive a Rising Sea
Experts say that concerted efforts at the federal level are needed to safeguard millions whose lives and livelihoods are bound up with changing weather patterns.