Climate Crisis
Unregulated Capitalism Is Destroying the Planet
We are in the middle of a mass extinction.
Le Tour de France Alternatiba: Creating Awareness of Climate Change One Bicycle at a Time
Alternatiba has been giving people the opportunity to experience real alternatives to avert climate change.
China’s Communist-Capitalist Ecological Apocalypse
The country's environmental crisis is worse than what has resulted from “normal” capitalist development everywhere else.
Getting Our Story Straight: Honestly Framing the Climate Crisis
A phrase that imparts the emotional impact of what we are doing to the planet, its inhabitants and future generations is “Climate Mayhem.”
Changing a Toxic Environment and Food System: Regeneration or Degeneration?
It's time to inspire and mobilize a mighty global army of Regenerators, before it's too late.
Pope Francis Sounds the Alarm on Climate Change
Does a hard-hitting policy statement on climate change make Pope Francis the new environmental prophet?
Pope Francis: “Bold Cultural Revolution” Needed to Save Planet From Climate Change and Consumerism
In his long awaited encyclical on the environment and climate change, Pope Francis has called for swift action to save the planet.
Damming the Future: The Struggle to Protect Kenya’s Ewaso Ngiro River
Indigenous people are coming together to resist the construction of a mega-dam along the only reliable river in the arid north of the country.
The Hoax of Climate Denial: Why “Politically Motivated” Science Is Good Science
Do we really have to wait for people to die in large numbers before we accept the evidence of climate change?
A Hawk’s Eye View of Climate Change
Much of the talk revolved around beefing up military infrastructure at home and abroad to be resistant to harsher climates.