Climate Crisis
Worries Build Among Investors Over Oil and Gas Industry’s Exposure to Water and Climate Risks
Roughly two thirds of oil and gas companies say they are vulnerable to water risks.
Urgent Call to World Leaders to Prevent Catastrophic Climate Change
The upcoming COP21 climate meeting in Paris is world leaders' last chance to prevent catastrophic climate change.
Tensions Rise as Climate Negotiations Resume in Bonn
What are the challenges still facing the upcoming Paris conference on climate change this December?
Are We Humans Destroying Our Own Nest?
We need to get serious about living with nature, instead of living at the expense of nature.
The Great Pumpkin Shortage Is Coming
Spooky weather patterns are disrupting specialty crops.
Water Remains Largely Marginalized in Climate Talks
Six hundred sixty-three million people are still without water globally.
Ten Ways to Challenge Capitalism’s Death Grip on Daily Life
How do we transition away from capitalism and toward solidarity economies that will not lead to unemployment and poverty?
Lawmakers Seek Probe of Exxon for Hiding Knowledge of Climate Change
Exxon concealed for decades its own conclusions that fossil fuels cause global warming.
Exxon’s Climate Cover-Up
Exxon knows - and its known for almost 40 years - that the basis of its business model is a threat to humanity.
How the World Bank Undermines Climate Change Efforts
The World Bank is undermining the cause it purports to champion.