Chicago Gangs Emerge From Deprivation. To End the Violence, End the Deprivation.
Chicago won’t invest in resources to fix the root causes of violence, says Lance Williams, whose father was a Vice Lord.
Over 1,000 Protesters Shut Down Chicago Train Station to Demand Ceasefire
Protesters came from Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan and Illinois to voice their demands for a ceasefire.
Protesters Block Traffic in Front of Congress Member’s Home, Demanding Ceasefire
Palestine solidarity protesters blocked traffic for hours outside Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s home in Evanston, Illinois.
Chicago Nixed Its Racist Database of Gangs. Other Cities Should Follow.
Six years of tireless organizing by a coalition of grassroots activists led to this month’s victory in Chicago.
Chicago Sues Monsanto for “Widespread Contamination” of the Chicago River
“Records show that Monsanto intentionally misled the public,” a Chicago lawyer said.
Women-Led Groups in Chicago Spearhead Response to Migrant Influx
As the migrant influx continues, their efforts shine a light on the need for collective action and federal response.
Chicago Is Building a Police Torture Memorial, But Police Violence Continues
Survivors hope the memorial will ensure the Chicago Police Department's crimes will never be justified nor forgotten.
How Do We Interrupt Violence Without Police?
Real solutions to violence require addressing root causes, including poverty, addiction and community health.
Progressive Johnson Triumphs Against “Tough-on-Crime” Democrat in Chicago
Johnson’s opponent, Paul Vallas, ran on a platform of further empowering the already extremely violent Chicago Police.
Chicago Mayoral Candidate Vallas Destabilized Majority-Black Schools Across US
Paul Vallas turned schools into test prep factories, punishing and publicly shaming “failing” schools and teachers.