Does the Economy Serve Us or Them?
The endless stream of mergers and acquisitions over the past 34 years has taken away most all of the competition and has concentrated power.
Joseph Stiglitz: No, Spiraling Inequality Isn’t Inevitable
Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph E. Stiglitz took to the opinion pages of The New York Times to argue that there's no such thing as “natural” market forces.
Seven Weird Things Money Does to Your Brain
Neuroeconomics is giving us a picture of the brain on money. Some of it isn't pretty.
The Poisoners and Their Accomplices
“Poison Spring: The Secret History of Pollution and the EPA” takes up where Rachel Carson left off - and the news is not good.
Sole’s New Album “Death Drive” Takes Shots at Alienation, Capitalism and Liberals
Tim “Sole” Holland's new album “Death Drive” weaves through self-reflection, philosophy and existentialism with an anarchist perspective.
Predatory Capitalism and the System’s Denial in the Face of Truth
Contemporary capitalism is characterized by a political economy which revolves around finance capital, is based on a savage form of free market fundamentalism.
The Cost of Texas’ “Miracle” Economy, Gag Orders and EPA Interference
Some of the best “Muck Reads” we read this week.
Learning From Debt: How It Strengthened My Dreams and Brought My Family Closer
The experience of debt can guide us toward different ways of living - like having extended generations share a household - that are both cheaper and more fulfilling.
Aggressive Tactic on the Fracking Front
A Pennsylvania gas company offers residents cash to buy protection from any claims of harm.
The Future Is Now: Zapatista Memories of the Future
The Zapatistas have not only articulated a vision of the future outside of neoliberal disposability, but they are living that future reality now.