Economic Stagnation Haunts US
Recognition of capitalist stagnation may have u201cmoved into the mainstreamu201d in the U.S., but Washington certainly does not seem to have a solution other than soldiering on as long …
Economic Update: Learning From History
Updates on key economic causes of Obamacare difficulties, risks of global deflation, Madrid's garbage strike, and the $13 billion settlement with JP Morgan Chase. Interview with Prof Sheila D. …
US History Repeats Itself With Guest Worker Programs
Stories of abuse by employers from veterans of the Bracero Program demonstrate what is wrong with current US immigration
Imperatives for a New Economic Model That Saves the Humans: Truthout Interviews Featuring Richard Smith
Economic historian Richard Smith explains how we need to get beyond capitalism and reconceive our lives so they are satisfied by something other than consumption of goods.
Trading Women for Profit
The capitalist mindset that breeds mass inequality across the country is partly to blame for women who are made vulnerable to human trafficking.
Capitalism and Unemployment
What if capitalists were not allowed to layoff whom they choose, but all workers were required to cut their hours for the benefit of the unemployed and underemployed, suggests …
How Big Money and Big Media Undermine Democracy
This past Tuesday, special interests pumped big money into promoting or tearing down candidates and ballot initiatives in elections across the country.
How One State Protects Taxpayers From Privatization Pitfalls
Arguments for privatization too often hide its true costs.
Health Care in the US as Seen From Down Under: “Mens Sana in Insanus Patriae“
Aussies' Medicare treats health care as a human right, offering better outcomes than the United States for much less cost, and insurers even offer plans for pets that many …
On the News With Thom Hartmann: GDP Grew by 2.8 Percent in the Third Quarter of 2013, and More
You wouldn't know it by looking at your bank account, but our GDP growth rate was 2.8 percent in the third quarter of 2013, and more.