Campaign Finance
School Board Candidates Backed by Koch-Connected Nonprofit
The advertisement ran just less than a month before the race for school board in Douglas County, Colo. “Liberals are fighting school choice in Douglas County,” the announcer intoned. …
In the Midst of an Investigation, Wisconsin GOP Fast-Tracks “Dark Money” Bill
A proposed bill that would keep the public in the dark about the sources of money in Wisconsin elections could also make it easier for dark money groups to …
Politics: Another Way To Waste Shareholder Money
In the wake of Citizens United, there is plenty of discussion of how campaign finance law might be changed to limit political participation by corporations.
The Shadow Lobbying Complex
On paper, influence peddling has declined. In reality, it has gone underground.
Academic Self-Marginalization Not the Problem
The bigger question, and the less obvious problem with Kristof's opinion, is whether more of us would do any good for the world.
Why the First Issue Is Money in Politics
From achieving tax reform to fighting climate change to strengthening the social safety net, we will see no progress until the wealthy entities that benefit can no longer buy …
Bring Back Democracy to One Person, One Vote
To get the money out of politics, Ben Cohen and others are stamping all of their dollars with messages like “not to be used for buying elections.”
New Campaign Limit: Memorial Day to Halloween
A law that limits the length of public campaigns to five months is among many serious efforts to restore the ability of ordinary voters to elect candidates who represent …
Evidence Mounting That Walker Campaign Is at Center of Criminal Probe
Newly-unsealed court documents add to a growing body of evidence that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's campaign is at the center of a wide-ranging secret probe into campaign finance violations …
Groups Sue FEC, Call on Federal Court to Overturn Dismissal of Complaint Against Crossroads GPS
Watchdog groups said Crossroads GPS should be registered as a political committee and subject to disclosure; FEC general counsel and half of commission agreed.