Big Pharma
Big-Dollar Donors Helped Deval Patrick Lay Groundwork for Presidential Campaign
Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick is making a late entrance into the 2020 Democratic presidential primary.
US Drug Policy Creates and Augments the Stresses Tied to Addiction
We must seek drug reforms that give people access to recovery in respectful, supportive environments.
Pink Ribbon Awareness Campaigns Will Never Deliver Public Health
Many disease awareness campaigns ignore key issues like health care access and environmental health hazards.
Capitalism Is Dooming Kids With Curable Cancers
Medicare for All is our only ethical choice.
Big Pharma Invests Millions as Congress Prepares Drug Pricing Bills
Pharmaceutical companies are writing large checks to key lawmakers and spending millions on ad buying and lobbying.
Purdue Hires PR Firm That Helped BP After Catastrophic 2010 Oil Spill
The company that manufactures OxyContin has turned to BP's corporate spin doctors.
Removing the Profit From Our Pills: The Case for a Public Pharma System
Vital safety and health services should be entrusted to institutions that are publicly accountable.
Pelosi’s Plan Is Not Enough. Lower Drug Prices Now Through a Public Option.
Pelosi released the “Lower Drug Costs Now Act” on September 19.
Pharma Cash Rolls Into Congress to Defend an Embattled Industry
Mitch McConnell, who is running for reelection, has seen an uptick in pharmaceutical industry donations this year.
Johnson & Johnson Ruling Sets Stage for Holding Pharma Accountable for Opioids
The ruling marks the first time a drug company has been held responsible for the opioid crisis.