Bernie Sanders

Sanders Win Reveals Deep Divide Between Voters and Democratic Party Leaders
Arnie Arnesen, longtime radio and TV host in New Hampshire, discusses the results of Tuesday's primary.

Without Paper Ballots, Fear of Vote Rigging Clouds 2016 Primaries
To ensure election integrity, officials should use paper ballots, counted in public and recounted or audited when necessary.

Regulating Banks vs. Displacing Them: Where Clinton and Sanders Disagree on Wall Street
Sanders and Clinton often use similar rhetoric when discussing Wall Street, but their financial policies are far from the same.

William Rivers Pitt | The New Hampshire Primary and Beyond
“If a more perfect metaphor for the 2016 New Hampshire primary has presented itself, I haven't heard of it.”

Sanders and Clinton Spar on 2002 Iraq Vote, Clinton Praises Henry Kissinger
During Thursday's debate in New Hampshire, while Sanders conceded Clinton has more experience in foreign affairs, he questioned her judgment.

Surely Hillary Clinton Knows Why Wall Street Pays Her
Hillary Clinton is surely aware that Wall Street won't give politicians millions without expecting something big in return.

If You Want to Win, Go Progressive
Voter turnout is high when voters have real progressive candidates and a truly progressive platform to support.

What Would Sanders Do? An Analysis of His Proposals
His policies would not only increase employment and national income, but would also raise wages, reduce poverty and narrow the inequality gap.

Media Attacking Single-Payer Are Getting Paid Under Current Health System
Some cynics argue Sanders' support for a single-payer program is a pie-in-the-sky fantasy.

“Hillary the Pragmatist vs. Bernie the Dreamer” Is “Big Lie” Propaganda
Public policy that serves the majority of people is only considered an impractical dream in a plutocracy like the US.