Interview on Cyprus Crisis: European Cosmopolitanism in the Age of Financial Capitalism
In this discussion, two scholars show that ‘cosmopolitanism’ goes farther back than early modernity and unveil an ideal far different from neoliberal assumptions that cosmopolitanism is simply mobility and …
The Latvia Illusion
Paul Krugman: Austerity apologists claim that the pre-crisis peak isn't a realistic goal for Latvia.
The American Dream Is Dead; Long Live the New Dream
A new American dream could rise from the mess left by globalization, off-shoring and austerity.
In the Austerity Debate, Reputation Trumps Reason
Paul Krugman: Austerians are finding that they're trapped in a box.
The Layman’s Case Against Austerity
Stephanie Kelton makes the case against austerity simple enough for every reader to understand.
Local Fights Against Austerity Are Growing Across the US
You cannot lift up a nation's economy while slashing away at its consumers' pocketbooks.
Chained CPI Is a Real Cut
Chicago activists delivered a petition from Illinois residents who prefer cutting the Petagon budget to Social Security.
Hang Together or Hang Separately: The Battle Against Austerity
The piecemeal fight against shrink-the-government policies is unworkable; we need comprehensive solutions.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Banksters Are Violating Their $25 Billion Settlement
Five major US Banks are violating a a $25 billion settlement from last year that was meant to compensate victims of abusive bank practices and foreclosure fraud.
Liberal America, Wake Up!
The hollow symbolism of America's first black president is no replacement for real substance.