Billionaire Gets New Sports Arena in Bankrupt Detroit
The very week Michigan Governor Rick Snyder granted a state-appointed emergency manageru2019s request to declare the Motor City bankrupt, the Tea Party governor gave a big thumbs-up to a …
Economic Policy Debates: Theater of Distraction
Richard Wolff: The debates proceed as if official policies were key to ending crises.
Portugal Economy Sinks, State Clings to Bailout’s Austerity Terms
Wouter De Broeck: Creditors breathe a sigh a relief and ordinary people pay big price over deal, while no political party is seen as credible before discontent voters.
How We Are Impoverished, Gentrified and Silenced – and What to Do About It
Momentous change almost always begins with the courage of people taking back their own lives against the odds. Just do it, says John Pilger.
Detroit Red Wings Get New $400 Million Taxpayer-Financed Stadium While the City Goes Bankrupt
Frank Hammer: Detroit's road to ruin was paved by an ill-conceived economic model.
Chicago Fires More than 2,000 School Staff as Crippling Cuts Deepen
Austerity deepens in Chicago this year with the firing of more than 3,000 total school staff after closing 50 schools.
Henry A. Giroux | The Violence of Organized Forgetting
Henry Giroux: A war-like mentality makes it difficult to reclaim the language of social responsibility and civic engagement.
Prisons, State Budgets and the New National Freedom Agenda
As more states push to re-evaluate their budgets, a movement aiming to shift funding from jails to schools and other support services is gaining steam nationwide.
Why Aren’t Americans Fighting Back?
They don't know who they are or what they're fighting for nor whom or what they are fighting against.
Beyond Debt and Growth: An Interview With Robert Pollin
Alejandro Reuss sits down with Robert Pollin to discuss the role economists have played in abetting austerity.