Iceland’s Future Depends on the Contours of the Coalition
The parties most responsible for Iceland's economic collapse won a majority of seats in parliamentary elections.
Global May Day Protests Against Austerity and Deaths of Bangladeshi Workers
May Day marches in major cities around the world demand an end to austerity policies and support of workers' rights.
The German Establishment’s Imposition of Austerity on Spain Recapitulates Fascist History
Spain's relationship with Germany had already damaged its political economy before the latest crisis, argues Navarro. The present-day imposition of austerity enforced by Eurozone authorities recalls and restores historic …
This May Day in Berlin: 7,000 Imported Police, With Marching Routes Exposed
This year, the city government brought in an estimated 7,000 auxiliary officials from across Germany to aid in controlling the May Day protests.
Does Public Debt Restrict Growth?
Joseph Minarik and Bob Pollin debate recent PERI report that debunked economic theory that supported austerity policies
Exploding the Debt Threshold Myth
Austerity, it turns out, only works if you don't know how to use an Excel spreadsheet.
Privatizing Europe
Nick Buxton: A massive European fire sale is one way finance is using the crisis to entrench neo-liberalism.
Europe’s Leaders Disregard Anti-Austerity Logic
Paul Krugman: How is it possible that European austerians are unaware of the argument of their critics?
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Rise in Food-Borne Illness One of Many Signs of Austerity Fallout, and More
In today's On the News segment: Today is the last day for public comment to the State Department on the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, and more.
April 25: A Historic Day to Cut the Bloated Pentagon Budget
Thursday, April 25, is the new date to participate in citizen efforts to oppose proposed cuts to Social Security and veterans benefits and support cuts to the bloated Pentagon …