Economic Update: Banks and Austerity
Updates on Goldman Sachs charity/PR, bank scandals, housing ‘recovery’ exposed, suicides rise in Kansas and a Benedictine Nun leading a new anti-austerity party in Catalonia.
Reclaiming the Roadblock, UK Uncut Takes Direct Action Against Austerity
The anti-cuts group recently mobilized a nationwide action called “Roadblocks for Justice” that focused specifically on cuts to legal aid.
The Tragedy of Greece as a Case Study of Neo-Imperial Pillage and the Demise of Social Europe
The neoliberal prescriptions for Greek ‘recovery’ that only deepen its economic crisis reveal the anti-democratic assault on the welfare state and the breakdown of social Europe as the center …
The Golden Dawn Murder Case, Larry Summers and the New Fascism
By banning Golden Dawn, the ruling parties in Greece are distracting the public from their own involvement in the crime.
No Triumph for Austerity
Paul Krugman: “It was, I suppose, predictable that Europe's austerians would claim vindication at the first hint of an economic upturn.”
On Reinventing the Meaning of Politics and What Needs to Be Done
A global war to resurrect a sense of
Don’t Shrink the US Postal Service; Expand It
The Postal Service has survived ideological attacks so far but could serve society still more with intelligent expansion.
Institutionalization as “Alternative Lifestyle”: Susan Nussbaum’s “Good Kings Bad Kings“
Susan Nussbaum's first novel, ‘Good Kings Bad Kings,’ portrays abuse endemic to contemporary nursing homes for children and youth with disabilities.
Shake a Stick in Post-Financial Collapse America, and One Hits Poverty
National ‘austerity’ pressure to further cut the social safety net only increases the plight of US citizens struggling to survive, as Sasha Abramsky discusses in this excerpt from his …
We Spend More Than $50 Billion a Year on Pets, but Aid to the Poor Keeps Getting Cut
While discussion of poverty has been lacking since President Reagan railed that the poor were responsible for their own plight, new signs of concern and fresh thinking have emerged, …