Neoliberalism as Social Necrophilia: The Case of Greece
What's happening now in Greece can be best described as the “downsizing of a country” that brings profound changes in its social and economic fabric.
Robert Pollin: Congressional Progressive Caucus Budget Strikes Back Against Austerity
The Congressional Progressive Caucus's budget would increase spending on education, healthcare and the green economy while rolling back cuts against social services.
Billionaires… First They Came for the Economy
It's time to end America's oligonomy by rolling back the Reagan tax cuts and enforcing the Sherman Anti-Trust act, so that corporations can't grow out-of-control and amass endless piles …
The Culling of the American Herd
A Harvard/CUNY report that predicted as many as 17,000 Americans may die as a result of some states refusing to expand their Medicaid programs under Obamacare has received little …
What’s Really Behind Education Policy in Newark?
Is a move toward privatization behind the turning over of Newark, New Jersey, public school buildings to charter school companies, investigators are asking.
A Post-Austerity Agenda
Robert Pollin proposes a post-austerity policy agenda that lays out a clear path to job creation and lowering public debt - while advancing greater equality.
Modeling the Education They Want To Be: The Great Chicago Teachers Union Transformation
Micah Uetricht's ‘Strike for America: Chicago Teachers Against Austerity’ relates the stirring transformation of the Chicago Teachers Union into a democratically organized force for social justice.
Without any Grassroots, This Austerity Group Withered: The American People Know a Fake When They See It.
The austerity mania that plagued our political system for four years is finally subsiding.
Ukraine: “Go West, Young Man” (or Dr. Strangelove’s Revenge)
In Ukraine, the US deep state and its accomplices promote civil warfare and concentrate wealth to channel it to London, New York and other financial centers.
The Next Obama Budget: The Chained CPI and the “Era of Austerity“
There are two debates underway about President Obama's upcoming budget: One involves the President's proclamation that this budget will signal the “end of austerity,” while the other involves the …