
The “Mother of All Bombs” Is Big, Deadly — and Won’t Lead to Peace
Trump's trigger-happy finger is careening the world down a reckless and dangerous path.

US Foreign Aid, Explained
Three common myths about US foreign aid debunked.

Afghans Respond to Insult of US Dropping Massive Bomb: “Would a Mother Do That to Any Children?”
A roundtable Afghan activists, doctors and other peace volunteers discuss the recent US bombing in Afghanistan.

Losing a War One Bad Metaphor at a Time: Thrashing About in the Afghan “Petri Dish“
All these metaphors do, however, suggest one thing — that Afghanistan isn't real to US leaders.

Give John Walker Lindh, the “American Taliban,” a Chance to Tell His Story
There's more to Lindh's story than youthful missteps. He experienced US military interrogation firsthand.

A Year of US Militarism
US militarism was on full display in 2016 with a continued “war on terror” and bombing in at least five countries.

Portraits From Kabul
Carolyn Coe offers a photo essay from her recent visit to Afghanistan.

See How We Live: The Traumatic Onslaught Against Civilians in Afghanistan
I'm generally an early riser at the home of the Afghan Peace Volunteers, but I'm seldom alone.

Dahr Jamail | James Mattis Is a War Criminal: I Experienced His Attack on Fallujah Firsthand
The selection of an unprosecuted war criminal for secretary of defense is an affront to the rule of international law.

The Anatomy of US Military Policy: An Interview With Andrew Bacevich
The US has a moral responsibility to work toward the abolition of nuclear weapons.