Eighteen Years of US Occupation Has Not Improved Life for Afghan Women
Phyllis Bennis says the issue is not just who isn't at the table for Afghanistan peace talks, but also who is.
Missing Pieces: The Human Impact of Drone Strikes
Media reports on the statistics of drone attacks seldom detail the physical and mental damage to civilians.
US “Counterterror” Missions Target 40 Percent of the Planet
Research has shown that using war to address terror tactics is a fruitless approach.
What It Really Takes to Secure Peace in Afghanistan
Constant military surveillance of Afghan citizens is not the answer.
Aggressive US Foreign Policy Is Back — in Venezuela
Trump's Venezuela policy has a similar strategic purpose to the 1980s wars in Grenada, Panama and Nicaragua.
Death and Disappearance: Inside the World of Privatized War
The Trump administration is considering handing the Afghan war over to private companies.
Is the Longest US War Finally Ending?
Rumors swirl of a ceasefire in Afghanistan, but key sectors of Afghan society are excluded from the talks.
Defying War and Defining Peace in Afghanistan
The US has much to learn from Afghan women human rights advocates and the People’s Peace Movement.
Bolton’s Notepad Ominously Reads, “5,000 Troops to Colombia”
Less troops in Afghanistan would mean that they could be redeployed to Latin America.
Afghanistan Set the Stage for the US’s Implosion
The US's 10-year proxy war laid the foundation for the endless wars that have followed.