The Public Intellectual
Progressive academics address important social issues.
Trickle-Down Cruelty and the Politics of Austerity
In Philadelphia, budget cuts have led to fire departments closing on a daily rotating basis, delaying response time. (Photo: Sam Blackman)
Nonviolent Revolution Clarified: Five Myths and Realities Behind Egypt’s Uprising
There are a handful of misconceptions that have been parroted repeatedly in media coverage of the “Arab Spring.”
Reveling in the Pain of Others: Moral Degeneracy and Violence in the “Kill Team” Photos
The “Kill Team” photos offer a glimpse into a larger set of social conditions in a winner-take-all society.
Zombie Politics: Dangerous Authoritarianism or Shrinking Democracy – Part II
The zombie metaphor points dramatically to a kind of “mad agency that is power in a new form, death-in-life.”
Zombie Politics, Democracy, and the Threat of Authoritarianism – Part I
The growing numbers of zombies in the mainstream media have huge financial backing from the corporate elite.
American Democracy Beyond Casino Capitalism and the Torture State
We need new public spheres to generate a formative culture of change and justice.
Youth in a Suspect Society: Coming of Age in an Era of Disposability
We are losing the very idea of the public good, the notion of connecting learning to social change.
Higher Education Under Attack: An Interview With Henry A. Giroux
War at home is matched by a war on youth.
From “Morning in America” to the Nightmare on Main Street
Increasingly, the unthinkable emerges in American life as austerity measures are transformed into a specifically deadly way of exercising modes of sovereignty and government power.
Left Behind? American Youth and the Global Fight for Democracy
Counterpublic spheres and modes of resistance that we once did not think young people could mount have erupted in a rush of emotional and political expressions.