The Public Intellectual
Progressive academics address important social issues.
In Defense of Public School Teachers in a Time of Crisis
We need a new language for understanding public education as formative for democratic institutions.
Tribes and Skies
Among things that TV did indeed change, Calvino suggests, is the way we view our leaders.
A Society Consumed by Locusts: Youth in the Age of Moral and Political Plagues
The deteriorating state of American youth may be the most serious challenge the US faces in the 21st century.
The Voice of Lorna’s Silence
The film is a letter from the liquid modern world and one I would dearly have wished to write myself.
Ann Coulter and Blowhard Politics
The reduction of politics today to the simple matter of ensuring that blowhards can utter stupid things is truly pervasive.
Sovereignty nowadays is, so to speak, underdefined and contentious, porous and poorly defensible, unanchored and free-floating.
On Pop Clarity: Public Intellectuals and the Crisis of Language
It is nearly impossible to become an educated person in a country so distrustful of the independent mind. - James Baldwin
Albert Camus: I Rebel, Therefore We Exist
Half a century has passed without Albert Camus' poignant, nagging and prodding, provoking and invigorating comments.
Howard Zinn, A Public Intellectual
What was so moving and unmistakable about Howard was his humility, his willingness to listen, his refusal of all orthodoxies and his sense of respect for others.
Reclaiming Public Values in the Age of Casino Capitalism
When public values are subordinated to the rationality of profits, the institutions that support it become corrupt.