Planet or Profit
Investigating systemic threats to the ecosystem from transglobal corporate profit-seeking.

As Glacier-Fed Rivers Disappear, One-Sixth of Global Population Is at Risk
A new report is cause for sounding global alarm bells.

A Disrupted Climate Means Deadlier Cyclones in the Middle East
Southern Oman got two years' worth of rainfall in a day.

When Covering Up a Crime Takes Precedence Over Human Health: BP’s Toxic Gulf Coast Legacy
Out of 37,000 medical claims, only 40 have been paid.

The Alchemy of Disarmament: Transforming Guns Into Shovels to Plant Trees
Liberating gun metal from its histories of murder.

As Antarctic Melting Accelerates, Worst-Case Scenarios May Come True
Scientists say seas may rise over eight feet by 2100.

Fukushima Plant Is Releasing 770,000 Tons of Radioactive Water Into the Ocean
Fukushima is a nuclear crisis with no end in sight.

Deforestation and Climate Disruption Are Degrading the Amazon, Endangering Our Survival
The Amazon is one of the most important and biodiverse ecosystems, and it is being deforested at an astonishing rate.

Dahr Jamail | Scientists Warn of “Biological Annihilation” as Warming Reaches Levels Unseen for 115,000 Years
“We're like social primates grooming each other as the environmental lion sneaks up,” says Dr. Thomas Lovejoy.

Oregon Ecosystem Files Lawsuit to Defend Its Rights
The Siletz River Ecosystem in Oregon wants the courts to recognize and protect its right to be free from toxic trespass.

As Pruitt Guts Water Rules, EPA Will Allow Fracking Waste Dumping in the Gulf of Mexico
Pruitt wants to allow fracking waste in the Gulf of Mexico without understanding its impact on marine and human life.