Moyers and Company
Under the editorial direction of Bill Moyers, the non-profit, award-winning Moyers & Company offer independent news and commentary covering elections, money and politics, inequality, climate change, voting rights, the media and more.

Michael Winship | Can Congress Come Out and Play?
Members hustled back to the capital all right, not to get much accomplished for the good of the nation but to party down at events designed to scrape every …

Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein Weighs in on the Organic Food Debate
Stein addresses a recent Stanford study which found that organic foods aren't any more nutritious than conventional foods.

How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless and the Middle Class Got Shafted
Bill talks with Mike Lofgren, a long-time Republican who describes the modern dysfunction of both the Republican and Democratic parties.

No Minimum Wage for the Mariana Islands?
As head of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, Ralph Reed boasts heu2019s building a political dynamo of five million members with a massive database, an annual budget of $100 …

Money in Politics: Where Is the Outrage?
The name for whatu2019s happening to our political system is corruption u2014 a deep, systemic corruption.

Who Cares if It’s True? It Works
u201cWeu2019re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers,u201d says campaign pollster Neil Newhouse as Romney's ads continue to spread lies.

Invisible Americans Get the Silent Treatment
Official Washington continues to see poverty with tunnel vision u2013 out of sight, out of mind.

Bill Moyers: In Paul Ryan, the Right at Last Has Their Man
This was never Romney's party, and without Karl Rove's shadowy money behind him, he would not have survived the primaries.

The For-Profit College Racket
This is an industry that is by and large exploitative to its students and useless to the public good.

Bill Moyers: Suppressing Votes by Law
Bill talks to Keesha Gaskins and Michael Waldman of the Brennan Center for Justice about new voter ID and other election laws that keep the young, elderly, minorities and …