Reproductive Rights
Voters in Alabama and West Virginia Approve Anti-Abortion Measures
The two states doubled down on anti-abortion laws as Oregon overwhelmingly rejected an abortion restriction measure.
Anti-Choice Measures Are on the Ballot in Three States Next Week
The referendums come at a tumultuous time for abortion rights in the US.
Self-Managed Early Abortion Care Is Now Accessible Online in the US
People can buy early abortion pills, receive medical consultation and access physician-supported medical care online
How Will We Defend Choice After Kavanaugh?
Don't depend on a “blue wave” to defend reproductive rights.
Let’s Have 40 Days of Choice Against 40 Days of Lies
Supporters of reproductive rights need to rise with a vocal resistance.
Religious Groups Bring Pro-Choice Billboards to Oklahoma
The Oklahoma billboard campaign shows support for abortion rights among people of faith.
In Face of Supreme Court Ruling, Hartford Moves to Regulate Anti-Choice Clinics
A recent Supreme Court ruling won't discourage Hartford officials from fighting against deceptive pregnancy centers.
New Legislation Gives Access to Medication Abortion at Public Colleges
The Student Right to Access Act fixes a serious gap in on-campus reproductive health care.
Why Childbirth and Abortion Are Not Separate Issues
While we debate abortion, women are dying in childbirth.
How Do We Confront a Supreme Threat to Choice?
A post-Roe legal system would in some crucial ways be worse for women and other pregnant people than the pre-Roe era.