Op-Ed | Reproductive Rights Let’s Have 40 Days of Choice Against 40 Days of Lies Supporters of reproductive rights need to rise with a vocal resistance. By Michelle Farber , SocialistWorker September 27, 2018 Truthout
News | Reproductive Rights Religious Groups Bring Pro-Choice Billboards to Oklahoma The Oklahoma billboard campaign shows support for abortion rights among people of faith. By Erin Heger , Rewire.News September 25, 2018 Truthout
News | Reproductive Rights In Face of Supreme Court Ruling, Hartford Moves to Regulate Anti-Choice Clinics A recent Supreme Court ruling won't discourage Hartford officials from fighting against deceptive pregnancy centers. By Auditi Guha , Rewire.News September 24, 2018 Truthout
News | Reproductive Rights New Legislation Gives Access to Medication Abortion at Public Colleges The Student Right to Access Act fixes a serious gap in on-campus reproductive health care. By Katie Klabusich , Truthout September 21, 2018 Truthout
Op-Ed | Reproductive Rights Why Childbirth and Abortion Are Not Separate Issues While we debate abortion, women are dying in childbirth. By Erin Sagen , YES!Magazine September 5, 2018 Truthout
Op-Ed | Reproductive Rights How Do We Confront a Supreme Threat to Choice? A post-Roe legal system would in some crucial ways be worse for women and other pregnant people than the pre-Roe era. By Sharon Smith , SocialistWorker August 26, 2018 Truthout
Op-Ed | Reproductive Rights The People vs. the Parliament in Argentina By denying women reproductive autonomy, legislators have essentially endorsed our abuse at the hands of powerful men. By Amy Arreaga , SocialistWorker August 18, 2018 Truthout
News Analysis | Reproductive Rights What Happens to Abortion Rights if the Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade? Whether or not Roe goes, the Supreme Court is likely to shift far to the right on reproductive rights. By B. Jessie Hill , TheConversation August 5, 2018 Truthout
Op-Ed | Reproductive Rights Who Chooses Abortion? More People Than You Might Think. Safe access to abortion should be part of health care. By Luu D. Ireland , TheConversation August 3, 2018 Truthout
News Analysis | Reproductive Rights Trump-Appointed Judges Are Already Limiting Abortion and Birth Control Kavanaugh, like all of Trump's judicial nominees, will go after abortion and birth control access. By Robin Marty , care2 July 22, 2018 Truthout