Prisons & Policing

Kurdish Prisoners End Mass Hunger Strike
The Kurdish movement is the greatest challenge to the neoliberal, conservative Turkish government, says international development scholar Baris Karaagac.

European Court Ruling Opens Door for Extradition to Torture Conditions in US Federal Prisons
What is happening to Muslims will happen to the rest of us.

Lockdown High: Annette Fuentes on the “School-to-Prison Pipeline”
In the following exclusive interview, Annette Fuentes talks about her work, her book and shares insight into the u201cschool-to-prison pipeline,u201d including zero tolerance policies that puts kids in harmu2019s …

Is Life Without Parole Worse Than Death?
I am an alienist reincarnated, and poetry keeps me sane.

Solitary Confinement: Torture Chambers for Black Revolutionaries
An estimated 80,000 men, women and even children are being held in solitary confinement on any given day in US prisons.

Undue Influence: The Power of Police and Prison Guards’ Unions
For decades, theyu2019ve helped build Americau2019s build Americau2019s criminal justice system. Now that system is changing. Can law enforcement unions change as well?

Jail the Bankers or Abolish the Jails?
Can those who want regulatory bodies to bring bankers to justice and those who seek a radical overhaul or dismantling of America's criminal justice system work together?

Neo-Nazi Rampage: Army Psy-Ops Vet, White Power Musician ID’d As Gunman in Sikh Temple Shooting
PRINTER-FRIENDLYTRANSCRIPT | More details have come to light about the man who shot dead six worshippers and critically wounded three others at the Oak Creek Sikh temple in Wisconsin …

Police Brutality in Anaheim Sparks Outrage After Two Latinos Shot Dead and Demonstrators Attacked
Police in the California city of Anaheim are facing allegations of murder and brutality after fatally shooting two Latino men over the weekend and firing rubber bullets at crowds …

Occupy National Gathering: Perspectives on Police
The mini-documentary attempts to portray the internal conflict over police confrontation.