Politics & Elections

What Will It Take for Americans to Understand the Basics of Election Integrity?
After concerns of a “hacked” 2016 Presidential race and an unverifiable “loss” in Georgia that again defied pre-election polling, the facts are still missing.

NRA Issues Call for White Supremacy and Armed Insurrection
The gun lobby's new “recruitment ad” is deliberately crafted to stir anger and fear.

William Rivers Pitt | Sad but True: The Republican Party Somehow Still Exists
If the GOP were an animal in the wild, it would have been devoured by chickadees long ago.

Protesters Cry “Shame!” Outside Presidential Reelection Fundraiser at Trump Hotel
The event was projected to raise as much as $10 million for Trump's reelection campaign and for the Republican National Committee.

Republicans Have Trifecta Control of 25 States and Need Six More to Call for a Constitutional Convention
Historian Nancy MacLean says much of the radical right's agenda is being pursued at the state level.

Senate Health Bill Would Kill Essential Home Care Jobs
The legislation would devastate a fast-growing workforce and the millions of elderly and disabled Americans who rely on home care services.

The Trump Team’s Poor Arguments for Slashing Food Stamps
The Trump administration aims to slash spending on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

Deregulation Taskforce Targeted Building Standards Before Grenfell Tower Blaze
A government-backed initiative to cut “red tape” after Brexit was looking to reduce the “burden” of EU building regulations.

Qatar Dust-Up Prompts Senator Corker to Restrict Future US Arms Deals
Future weapons sales to Persian Gulf coast countries will face more restrictions.

This Is a Piece I Would Write About How to Fight Trumpcare, if I Were Well Enough
It seems this bill, and all its horrors, have faded into a background of horrors in the American psyche.