Politics & Elections
Who Will Leave the White House Next?
The revolving door on the White House continues to turn.
Massive Tax Cuts for Wealthy Friends and Corporate Raiders Complete, Cohn Calls It Quits
Since the passage of the tax cuts in December, Cohn likely had little incentive to stay in the White House.
How the Anti-Democracy Movement Used Media to Command the Narrative
An excerpt from “Daring Democracy: Igniting Power, Meaning and Connection for the America We Want.”
Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Visa Hypocrisy
Trump violated visa laws to help staff Mar-a-Lago.
Activists Storm Washington, Demanding Protection for All Immigrants
Activists say it is past time to pass a clean DREAM Act.
The Bill That Would Legalize Discrimination Against My Daughter
HR 620 has already passed the House and is at risk of being taken up in the Senate.
William Rivers Pitt | The GIGO White House: Garbage In, Garbage Out
Garbage begets garbage — including in the White House.
Lori Wallach and Michael Hudson Debate Trump’s Plan to Impose Steel and Aluminum Tariffs
Trump sent shockwaves across the globe and sparking fear of impending economic volatility.
Gun Profiteers: Who’s Getting Rich Off the US Gun Crisis?
Understanding the powerful figures behind the gun industry helps provide a potential path for challenging it.
Arkansas to Become First State to Implement Trump’s Cruel Assault on Medicaid
The measure will go into effect June 1, 2018.