Politics & Elections
Dozens Arrested as Survivors Flood Capitol Hill to Oppose Kavanaugh
Additional actions are planned for Thursday, when Ford is set to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Honoring Reconstruction’s Legacy: The Freedom to Vote
Amendment 4 is a ballot initiative that would repeal Florida's harsh and discriminatory disenfranchisement law.
What the Defamation of Anita Hill Can Teach Us About the Kavanaugh Hearings
Historian Barbara Ransby discusses the story of Anita Hill in light of accusations against Brett Kavanaugh.
How Generations of US Presidents Have Paved the Way for Trump’s Wrongdoing
Trump's presidency has openly stoked anger, apathy and ignorance.
Second Sexual Assault Allegation Intensifies Opposition to Kavanaugh
Republicans are trying to move ahead with Kavanaugh's confirmation despite serious allegations against him.
Is the Lone Star State Moving Left?
The surprising success of Beto O’Rourke’s Democratic campaign for the Senate is not the cause of Texans moving leftward.
Does #MeToo Have the Power to Take Down a Supreme Court Nominee?
How might Christine Blasey Ford fare against Brett Kavanaugh in the age of #MeToo?
If Democrats Win in November, Will There Be a Reckoning With Trump?
The fruits of a Democratic victory could be substantial.
Mueller Makes ‘Em Sing
Paul Manafort is the latest Trump crony to change his mind about taking a bullet for the president.
Michael Moore: Democrats’ Fatal Mistake Was Not Taking Trump Seriously
Michael Moore discusses his predictions and how Democrats failed to take Trump more seriously.