Politics & Elections
Four Days in Occupied Western Sahara — A Rare Look Inside Africa’s Last Colony
Thousands have been tortured, imprisoned, killed and disappeared while resisting the Moroccan occupation.
Deporting US Citizens: Trump’s New Fascistic Use of Law
The fascist conception of law helps explain Trump's racist mission to reduce the non-white population.
Bob Mueller’s Burgers
Flipping 'em like nobody's business.
Another Typical Week
Nothing to see here! Move along!
How Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum Won With Grassroots Activism
Phillip Agnew and Charlene Carruthers discuss their work with Gillum.
Chuck Schumer Cuts Deal With Mitch McConnell to Fast-Track Trump Judges
Progressive commentators have concluded that Schumer is not fit to lead the party and has to go.
Trump’s Marijuana Task Force Ordered to Ignore Data That Show Positive Impacts
New documents reveal that the Trump administration plans on waging a fierce war against marijuana.
Centrist Think Tanks Ponder Populism’s Rise, but Hesitate to Change
Despite rising populism, two leading think tanks in DC remain attached to the economic and military establishment.
Nuclear Safety Board Slams Energy Department Plan to Weaken Oversight
A new Department of Energy order is a violation of the US Atomic Energy Act.
Democratic Women Candidates Benefit From Surge in Donations From Female Donors
An analysis of Federal Election Commission data shows female candidates tend to benefit most from female donors.