Politics & Elections

Adam Schiff Delivers Massive Smackdown on Trump
The Intelligence Committee chair focuses on the real issue: Is Trump serving the people of the United States?

Trump’s 2015 Candidacy Speech Was a Warning of What Would Come
Listen to Trump's first campaign speech, and see him presenting himself with naked honesty.

Barr Is a Distraction. We Must Insist on the Moral Indictment of Trump.
The moral indictment against Trump is as strong today as it was last week.

Team Trump Is Out for Vengeance. The Democrats Must Push Back.
Trump's flunkeys are trying to flip the script on the “treasonous” Obama administration.

Don’t Believe Trump or Barr. The Investigations Are Just Beginning.
Trump is on the attack, but it still looks like defense.

Mueller Didn’t Exonerate Trump of Obstruction of Justice
Mueller couldn’t decide whether Trump obstructed justice. Barr took it upon himself to let Trump off the hook.

Mike Pence Smears Ilhan Omar in AIPAC Speech: Did He Just Prove Her Point?
Pence is trying to win Jewish votes by attacking Democrats on Israel -- but he's very unlikely to succeed.

Congress Should Begin Impeachment, But Not the Way You Think
From campaign finance violations to firing Comey, the list of Trump's impeachable offenses goes far beyond Russia.

The “Barr Summary” Is Meaningless. Release the Entire Report.
Barr’s missive is another salvo in a disinformation campaign that has lasted two years.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer Delivers Pro-Israel Speech at AIPAC
Rep. Steny Hoyer came under fire from progressives after he used his address to attack left-wing members of his caucus.