Politics & Elections

Revenge of the Zombies: Palin, Beck, Limbaugh and the Return of Dark Times
The new zombies have an increasing presence in the death chambers of high finance, the highest reaches of government and in the forefront of mainstream media.

Remembering Fascism: Learning From the Past
“The world is too complex for history to repeat, but there are nevertheless lessons to keep in mind.”

Sovereignty nowadays is, so to speak, underdefined and contentious, porous and poorly defensible, unanchored and free-floating.

On Languages of Power and Powerlessness
The disciplining force of society is at its most effective when its human origins are denied or covered up.

For Youth: A Disciplinary Discourse Only
“The present is a period of riots,” writes Alain Bertho.

Market-Driven Hysteria and the Politics of Death
Market-driven principles of deregulation, radical individualism and privatization penetrate all aspects of daily life.

Cheney Could Not Recall Key Events About His Role in the Valerie Plame Leak
Evidence has surfaced over the years that shows Dick Cheney played a central role in the campaign to discredit Ambassador Wilson and may even have given the order to …

Hilarious Halloween
Everyone expects to see and hear some strange stuff whenever Halloween comes around. The definition of ‘strange,’ however, gets bent into all sorts of bizarre new shapes whenever the …

George W. Bush made his debut as a motivational speaker to a packed house of adoring fans in Fort Worth, Texas.

Catching Up With the Crazy
Coming home, in retrospect, may have been an egregious tactical error on my part.