Politics & Elections
State and National Innovators
Capital can and should be accumulated and managed in ways that provide individual citizens with an income stream from publicly backed investments.
Greg Palast: Easy Ways to Steal an Election
Greg Palast, author of Billionaires & Ballot Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps reveals vote stealing methodology.
Katrina vanden Heuvel: Why I Care About Citizens United
Interview with The Nation's Katrina vanden Heuvel on the Citizens United court case, her father, and why independent media can help build democracy.
William Rivers Pitt: The Second Debate
This segment is debate discussion on the second presidential debate between President Obama and Governor Mitt Romney on 10-16-12 in New York.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Obama Painted Romney as Out of Touch in Last Night’s Debate, and More
In today's On the News segment: Mitt Romney falsely accuses President Obama of not calling the events in Libya a terrorist act; the United States Postal Service has met …
Live Coverage: Obama/Romney Debate
A livestream from Democracy NOW!
Enterprising Cities: Left, Right and Center
The basic principle at work in municipally owned real estate development is that appreciation of land should be turned to public advantage. In many communities, Community Land Trusts (CLTs) …
The US Electoral College Explained: Why We Don’t Vote Directly for a President
Guardian US polling expert Harry J. Enten breaks down the workings of the electoral college u2013 a mysterious institution that uses the people's votes to select the US president.
Danny Glover: Record Venezuela Turnout Hands Chavez Convincing Mandate to Continue Social Agenda
Venezuelan President Hugo Chu00e1vez has won his fourth presidential election in a race seen as his strongest challenge yet. With a historic turnout of 80 percent, Chu00e1vez took 54 …
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Florida Launches Investigation Into Strategic Allied Consulting, and More
Florida Launches Investigation Into Strategic Allied Consulting.