Human Rights

Friends Transform Vacant Building Into Popular Community Center
The unique gathering space acts as a counterbalance to decades of neglect.

A Renewed Poor People’s Campaign Revives King’s Dream of Challenging Class Divide
The Poor People's Campaign has already laid the groundwork for major mobilizations in 2018.

Cashing in on Water Crises: Public-Private Partnerships Are Not the Solution
Wasted groundwater and pollution are the norm.

Salvadorans Next for US Deportation Machine
The Trump administration continues to play with the lives of immigrants.

One in Ten US Youth Experience Homelessness Annually
What kinds of programs does your community have for youth?

Empire Files: In the Deadliest Country for Unions and Social Leaders
Abby Martin goes to Colombia to document the increasingly deadly situation for human rights activists.

Immigration Rights Activist Ravi Ragbir Detained at ICE Check-in Amid Protest, Police Violence
The executive director of New York City's New Sanctuary Coalition has been detained by ICE.

After #MeToo: Healing From the Trauma of Sexual Assault
There's nothing more powerful than advice from survivor to survivor.

The World Unites to Denounce Donald Trump’s Racist “S**thole” Comments
Trump's remarks have already been greeted with horror throughout the international community.

As Erica Garner Is Mourned, Why Are Black Mothers in New York City Dying at 12 Times Rate of White Mothers?
Annie Waldman of ProPublica discusses more.