Human Rights

Israel Victim-Blames 16-Year-Old Ahed Tamimi
The young woman who stood up for her family and her people.

Anti-Immigrant Republicans Rearing Ugly Heads as Dreamer Deadline Looms
The GOP plans to intensify the crackdown on undocumented immigrants.

What to Expect in Congress This Session
Here's what to expect from Congress in 2018.

Norway Halts Weapons Sales in Yemen War, Citing Humanitarian Crisis, as US and Britain Continue Supply
Norway will stop supplying weapons and ammunition to the United Arab Emirates.

Feeling Burned Out? When We Gather, We Get Energized
Removing debris after a hurricane or giving blood after a shooting empowers us.

Ten Photos: I Saw What Native Resilience Looks Like
I saw how Native people protected and nurtured each other.

What Makes Muslim Ban 3.0 So Dangerous
What happens next will define the course of the legal system when it comes to Muslims in the Trump era.

Facebook’s Uneven Enforcement of Hate Speech Rules Allows Vile Posts to Stay Up
Facebook's rules supposedly prohibit dehumanization and bullying.

Dear Activists: Your New Year’s Resolution Should Be to Throw a Better Protest
Five ways to make your next protest more inviting and impactful.

How One Mississippi Teen Went 1,266 Days Behind Bars Before Receiving a Mental Evaluation
Mississippi may have the worst record for prolonged stays in jail for those awaiting psychiatric evaluation.