Environment & Health
Tar Sands Will Be Piped to the Gulf Coast, With or Without the Northern Segment of Keystone XL
Why the health of one woman's farm is not only vital to her, but also crucial to the preservation of the global climate.
Sandra Steingraber’s War on Toxic Trespassers
How dangerous chemicals and fracking contaminate our land, our health and the energy debate.
Bob Edgar: A Tainted Democracy
Bob Edgar is remembered for his lifelong commitment to social justice and his belief that government can be made to work for and with the people.
Dance of the Honey Bee
Bill McKibben narrates a documentary looking at the beautiful and vital role honey bees play in preserving life.
Big Commodity Traders Pocketed $250 Billion Profit
Economist Gerald Epstein: New FT investigation says big commodity traders earned more profit than banks or auto.
European Carbon Markets Fail – It’s Time for Regulation
Climate writer and professor Patrick Bond: Carbon markets are now at junk bond status but US sabotages all attempts at binding emission targets.
Animated Video Shows Dangers of Tar Sands Oil
The Dirtiest Oil on Earth features animated run-down on dangers of tar sands crude and pipelines that transport it.
Video Game and Tax Day Actions Target Corporate “Tax Evaders”
Nicole Tichon and Gan Golan: By projecting a Tax Evader video game on the side of banks and big corporate buildings, actions aim to focus public attention on banks …
The New Face of Health Care: Drone Doctors?
The California Nurses Association has already raised concerns about the ‘doc bots’ that are showing up in some California hospitals.
Surviving Ex-Gay Therapy
There's a growing movement, led by survivors of ex-gay therapy, to disprove and ban these harmful practices for good.