Education & Youth
Run-Down Schools in Low-Income Communities Face Long-Term Closures Amid COVID
The pandemic has drawn attention to the national crisis of deteriorating public schools.
DeVos Is on Her Way Out, But Public Education Is Still Very Much Under Attack
The threat to democratically governed schools that preceded DeVos will continue during the Biden presidency.
Organized Debtors Are Preparing to Strike If Biden Doesn’t Cancel Student Debt
President-elect Biden will be able to cancel nearly all student debt without congressional approval, if he chooses to.
Columbia University Students Are Preparing to Launch a Tuition Strike
Students at the most expensive U.S. university were inspired by the successful action at the UniÂverÂsiÂty of ChicaÂgo.
If Biden Is Serious About Healing the Country, He Must Change Education Policy
It’s time to address the many mental health crises brought on marginalized students by the U.S. education system.
Bernie Sanders Calls Betsy DeVos Worst Education Secretary in US History
The billionaire school privatization zealot lashed out at a popular proposal to cancel student loan debt.
Teaching Civics Is More Difficult When Your Students Grew Up in the Trump Age
In a political environment shaped by Trump, even facts about the basic workings of government have become politicized.
Right-Wing Orgs Are Enlisting Students in Their War Against Campus Progressives
Well-funded conservative groups are training college students to oppose progressive measures on campus.
Biden Has New Progressive Education Rhetoric — But Policy Will Be the Test
Progressive educators seeking to reverse neoliberal privatization cannot be certain they’ll have Biden’s backing.
Differing Mask Mandates in Georgia Schools Put Teachers at Risk for COVID
Eleven states have let school districts decide whether students and staff must wear masks.