Economy & Labor

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Mitt Romney Derides His Own Electorate, and More
In today's On the News segment: Mitt Romney may have thought he was writing off President Obama's electorate - but in reality, he was writing off his own when …

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Swarm NYC Financial District to Mark 1st Anniversary of 99% Struggle
Occupy Wall Street celebrated its one year anniversary with direct action.

Chicago Teachers Built This
After months of partisan name-calling, it's heartwarming to see politicians of both parties coming together against a common enemy: teachers. The strike by the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) has …

Profiting from Public Dollars: How ALEC and Its Members Promote Privatization of Government Services and Assets
A new report by In the Public Interest exposes ALECu2019s extensive privatization agenda including private prison corporations, online education companies and health care corporations.

Letter to the Editor from CTU President Karen Lewis
Letter from Chicago Teachers Strike President Karen Lewis describing the movements reasons and goals.

How to End Hard Times? Reduce Inequality
A new report from a United Nations group details how low inequality promotes economic growth u2014 and blasts away at a status quo where the most profitable firms end …

Chicago Teachers Strike Enters Fourth Day
Labor unions back striking teachers, while Democrats remain silent .

Does Obama’s Economic Policy “Just Need More Time”?
Gerry Epstein: The basic policies must change or recession and high unemployment will continue.

“The Pluralist Commonwealth”
Over time, a fundamental shift in the ownership of wealth would slowly move the nation as a whole toward greater equality directly - through, for instance, worker-owned enterprises; and …

Economic Update: “No Better Economic Policy?”
Updates on Spain's government vs radical unions' responses to crisis, who gains most from expanding money supply, temp and low-paid replace middle level jobs, US dominates global arms sales. …