Economy & Labor

On the News With Thom Hartmann: New Study Shows Carbon Emissions Up 3 Percent From Last Year, and More
Walmart drops thousands of part-time employees from its health insurance plan in the week after widespread protests against the retail giant, and more.

Organizing McDonalds and Walmart, and Why Austerity Economics Hurts Low-Wage Workers the Most
What does the drama in Washington over the u201cfiscal cliffu201d have to do with strikes and work stoppages among Americau2019s lowest-paid workers at Walmart, McDonaldu2019s, Burger King, and Dominou2019s …

Why the Fiscal Cliff Is a Scam
The fiscal cliff is a scam - so says Professor James K. Galbraith.

New York Fast Food Workers in Historic Strike for $15 an Hour
Fast food workers close down McDonalds and other fast food outlets demanding a living wage and the right to unionize.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: A Movement in the US Senate Aims to Abolish Indefinite Detention, and More
As the so-called fiscal cliff nears, Republicans will likely hold things like extended unemployment benefits hostage.

Most New Jobs Don’t Require College Education
Jeannette Wicks-Lim: The possibility of educating one's way out of poverty is getting dim as most new jobs only require a high school education.

Community, the Environment and the “Nonsexist City“
In this chapter, Gar Alperovitz charts the varied interconnections between community economic and environmental stability, gender-friendly community design and land ownership institutions.

Who’s Getting Pushed Off the “Fiscal Cliff”?
Progressive Democrats lobby against a Grand Bargain that will further unravel the social safety net.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: The “Congressman with Guts” Attended Walmart Protests, and More
The Bank of England named former Goldman Sachs investment banker Mark Carney as its new chief.

Black Friday: A Day Forgotten and Reborn
A name for a day of huge business losses has become the name for a day of hoped-for business gains. How'd that happen?