Economy & Labor

Israel and the Palestinian Government Agree to Return to Negotiations
A unique combination of pressures pushed the two leaderships to agree to a resumption of negotiations, but the prospects of the talks remains grim.

Mismeasuring Our Economy: Why the GDP is Not Useful
The GDP is the most commonly cited economic metric but it doesn't tell us what we need to know.

Fast Food and Neoliberalism: Response to David Freedman’s Call to Get out of McDonalds’ Way
David Freedman's argument on fast food and elitism does not hold up to critical scrutiny.

Economic Update: Economics and Religion
Updates on Fiat labor struggles in Italy, stagnating real wages in US, capitalist corruption (US, China, Russia), “eminent domain” helps homeowners against foreclosure. Interview with Dr. Obery Hendricks, Jr., …

Hedges: We Must Grasp Reality to Build Effective Resistance
In the continuation of Paul Jay's Reality Asserts Itself interview with Chris Hedges, they discuss the fantasy that we can have everything we want and the reality of the …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Senator Elizabeth Warren Pushes to Save Economy and Reinstall the Glass Steagall Act
Elizabeth Warren attempts to reinstall the Glass Steagall Act, legislation that would break up the power of big banks.

GAO Finds US Companies Only Pay One-Third of Corporate Tax Rate
CEOs claim the US has the world's highest corporate tax rate, but they actually pay less than most workers

Mark Dworkin and Melissa Young: A New Economy for Present Times
Cooperatives in the United States have existed more or less under the radar.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Walmart Is Getting Dumped, and More
In today's On the News segment: Dutch pension administrator PGGM announced yesterday that it would no longer invest any of its $180 billion dollars in the low-price retailer because …

Economic Update: Capitalism’s Social Costs
Updates on Obamacare's