Economy & Labor
Facts, Myths and Gospel: Mikey Weinstein and Author Reza Aslan Discuss “Zealot”
Dr. Reza Aslan is interviewed about his new book which looks at the ways Jesus Christ's image has been abused by the Christian Right.
Portugal Economy Sinks, State Clings to Bailout’s Austerity Terms
Wouter De Broeck: Creditors breathe a sigh a relief and ordinary people pay big price over deal, while no political party is seen as credible before discontent voters.
Richard Wolff: Detroit a “Spectacular Failure” of System that Redistributes Pay from Bottom to Top
Kicking off a series of speeches about the economy, President Obama told a crowd in Illinois on Wednesday that reversing growing inequality and rejuvenating the middle class
Detroit Red Wings Get New $400 Million Taxpayer-Financed Stadium While the City Goes Bankrupt
Frank Hammer: Detroit's road to ruin was paved by an ill-conceived economic model.
Detroit: Donald Cohen Warns of Privatization, Calls for Bailout
Detroiters are threatened with losing democratic control over public services.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Republicans Are Thrilled That Detroit Has Filed for Bankruptcy, and More
In today's On the News segment: For the GOP - the fall of Detroit is a talking point goldmine; The operator of Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant admitted …
Chicago Fires More than 2,000 School Staff as Crippling Cuts Deepen
Austerity deepens in Chicago this year with the firing of more than 3,000 total school staff after closing 50 schools.
Israel and the Palestinian Government Agree to Return to Negotiations
A unique combination of pressures pushed the two leaderships to agree to a resumption of negotiations, but the prospects of the talks remains grim.
Mismeasuring Our Economy: Why the GDP is Not Useful
The GDP is the most commonly cited economic metric but it doesn't tell us what we need to know.
Fast Food and Neoliberalism: Response to David Freedman’s Call to Get out of McDonalds’ Way
David Freedman's argument on fast food and elitism does not hold up to critical scrutiny.