Economy & Labor
Profiting From the Poor: Outsourcing Social Services Puts Most Vulnerable at Risk
A bill that would allow the state Department of Human Services to privatize everything from child protective services to nutrition programs for the elderly.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: House Republicans Continue to Blame President Obama for the Government Shutdown, and More
House Republicans continue to point the finger at President Obama for the government shutdown.
Exposed: California’s Secret Plan to Gut Public Pensions
Lynn Parramore: A new California memo is just the latest example of Wall Street's attack on workers' pensions.
The Golden Dawn Murder Case, Larry Summers and the New Fascism
By banning Golden Dawn, the ruling parties in Greece are distracting the public from their own involvement in the crime.
Government Shutdown Spares Military but Hurts Children and the Poor
Rania Khalek: Government shutdown means halting social services while maintaining NSA spying, deportations and continuing drone strikes in Afghanistan.
“Dramatic, Painful” Government Shutdown Disproportionately Impacts Working Poor, People of Color
As negotiations remain stalled, Imara Jones of looks at who is being hardest hit by the shutdown.
Economic Update: Profit Motive Costs
Richard D. Wolff gives an economic update on meaning of government shutdown and possible default; new French law gives workers say on selling companies; biggest billionaire US land-owners; grocery …
On the News With Thom Hartmann: For the First Time in 17 Years, Our Government Is Officially Shut Down, and More
For the first time in 17 years, our government is officially shut down.
Matt Taibbi on How Wall Street Hedge Funds Are Looting the Pension Funds of Public Workers
In his latest article for Rolling Stone, Matt Taibbi reports that Wall Street firms are now making millions in profits off of public pension funds nationwide.
Federal Contractors Employ More Low-Wage Workers Than Walmart and McDonald’s Combined, While Paying Top Execs. $24 Billion
Workers and legislators demand President Obama sign an executive order raising the minimum wage for federal contractor employees.