Economy & Labor

Organizadores Sindicales Lanzan Nuevo Modelo de Lucha Contra el Capital Privado
Los trabajadores están luchando contra la despiadada industria que despoja y vende empresas para obtener ganancias.

Iowa Republicans Pass Bill to Allow 14-Year-Olds to Work in Meat Coolers
“This session will go down in history as one of the most divisive and cruel ever seen in Iowa.”

There Is a Safety Crisis in App-Based Work, and Workers Know How to Fix It
As industry-leader Uber celebrates record revenue, app workers are demanding their just due.

Amid Rampant Union Busting, Workers Tell Starbucks It’s Time to Negotiate
On May Day, Starbucks workers confronted managers at the corporation’s regional headquarters in Manhattan.

Unemployment Is at a Half-Century Low as Economy Adds 253,000 Jobs in April
The unemployment rate for Black workers fell to 4.7 percent, a new record low.

McDonald’s in Kentucky Employed 10-Year-Olds Without Pay, Labor Officials Find
One of the children was found to have been working the deep fryer, which is illegal under federal law.

New Research Upends the Notion That Significant Wage Hikes Are Job Killers
A working paper shows that large minimum wage increases can have positive effects on both earnings and employment.

The Debt Ceiling Debate Is a Manufactured Crisis. Tax the Wealthy What They Owe.
The budget-balancing problem in the U.S. stems from military spending and tax cuts for the rich.

Bernie Sanders Is Once Again Trying to Raise the Minimum Wage
Conservative Democrats who voted against raising wages may shift or defend their position as they seek reelection.

Unionized Film and TV Writers Strike in Los Angeles and New York
At issue are pay scales, residual fees and base employment guarantees in the era of online streaming.