Economy & Labor

How Oil and Gas Companies Are Dealing With Low Prices
While prices have halved over the past year, the number of mergers and acquisitions has most definitely not.

Study: The Trans-Pacific Partnership Will Cost US a Half Million Jobs, Drag Down GDP
The trade deal will likely lead to the loss of 448,000 jobs from the US workforce.

Media Attacking Single-Payer Are Getting Paid Under Current Health System
Some cynics argue Sanders' support for a single-payer program is a pie-in-the-sky fantasy.

Let Down at the Ford Foundation: Reflections on the Shortcomings of Philanthropy
Joanne Barken ponders how the Ford Foundation will address inequality.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Obama Says Kids Don’t Belong in Solitary, and More
Gov. Snyder's decision to put money ahead of safety has left people without regular access to clean water.

Half of US Workforce Has No Retirement Plan – but Illinois Has a Fix
Economists see the Illinois Secure Choice Savings Program, designed for private-sector workers, as an innovative complement to Social Security.

Chamber of Commerce Lobbyist Tom Donohue: Clinton Will Support TPP After Election
Don't voters have the right to know now what Democratic and Republican politicians will do on the TPP after the election?

How ICE Shields Its Financial Dealings With Private Prison Contractors From Public Scrutiny
The decisions that ICE makes to spend its detention budget should be publicly accessible.

Healthy Consumption Growth Keeps GDP Positive in Fourth Quarter
Productivity growth will be near zero for 2015.

Opponents of GMO Labeling Could Face Tough Penalties in Dark Money Case
Washington State has accused a trade organization of illegally funneling millions of dollars to GMO labeling opponents.