Economy & Labor

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Bernie Sanders Focuses on Need for “Moral Economy” at the Vatican, and More
Sanders talked about the Supreme Court's 2010 “Citizens United” ruling, among other issues.

Participatory Democracy Drives Anti-Gentrification Movement in New York’s El Barrio
In New York City's East Harlem, also known as El Barrio, a movement led by immigrant women is resisting economic displacement.

Four Common Tax Confusions
Quick comebacks to the regressive tax rhetoric you hear on the radio and around the dinner table.

Economic Update: The IMF and the Panama Papers
This episode provides updates on the Panama Papers, and more.

“No Racism in New York”: 1,000 People Rally Against GOP Front-Runner Donald Trump in Manhattan
As Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders faced off in Brooklyn, about 1,000 New Yorkers rallied across the East River in Manhattan.

The Chomsky Anthology of Dissent: Twenty-Four Years of Challenging US Hegemony
“The Chomsky Collection” adds much needed insight to this ongoing narrative.

ALEC Touted “Transparency” in Pushing for the Panama Free Trade Agreement
Bankruptcy helped corporate interest groups sell the US public on free trade.

Panama Papers Offer More Evidence That Free Trade Isn’t Really Free
As much as President Clinton and President Obama like to talk about “free trade” deals, the truth is that the working class ends up paying.

The US Is in the Midst of an Eviction Crisis
San Francisco is infamous for Ellis Act evictions that force tenants out of a building and allow the landlord to go out of business.

FDIC, Fed Rulings Could See Five “Too-Big-to-Fail” Wall Street Firms Broken Up by 2018
The banks may subject to more strict regulations on October 1, if they fail to submit a satisfactory scheme by then.