Economy & Labor

A Nigerian Superhighway Project Threatens a Critical Rainforest and Its People
Indigenous Ekuri fight to protect ancestral forests amid push for development.

Poverty Is a Product of the Institutions We Have in Society
Janine Jackson interviewed Alice O'Connor on the politics of the war on poverty.

Big Money in Politics Threatens Political and Racial Equality
The arguments in McCutcheon v. FEC ultimately explain what's wrong with how we treat the influence of money in politics.

Hedge Funds Have Cost Workers Billions; This Is How They’re Fighting Back
Taking on hedge funds is the future of the progressive and labor movements as a whole.

Where Local Governments Are Paying the Bills With Police Fines
The dependence of thousands of US cities on judicial fines and forfeiture to fund public services is unhealthy for democracy.

Where Is That Wasteful Government Spending?
Wasted money, wasted lives, or maybe both. That's the promise of increased military spending.

Dahr Jamail | The Super-Rich Are Cruising the Arctic’s New Passageway as the World Burns
Summer sea ice melt has opened up the pristine Arctic sea to cruise ships — and further damage to its fragile ecosystem.

Bayer and Monsanto: A Merger of Two Evils
Is anyone out there still buying the line that Monsanto and Bayer are in the business of feeding the world?

Economic Update: Economics and Red States
This episode of Professor Wolff's radio show discusses Corbyn's victory in UK, and more.

Mass Firings in New York Lead Singers to Push Back
Stardust Family United has filed multiple unfair labor practices with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) for violations.