Economy & Labor

A Socialist Crashes the Presidential Debate
In this expanded debate, fictional socialist Sydney Solidarity squares off against the twin candidates of the ruling rich.

A Historical View of the Trump Tax Scandal
Veteran tax reformer Bob McIntyre brings a long view to the Trump tax-dodging scandal.

Here’s Who’s Turning Wage Fights Into Grassroots Power at the Ballot Box
Community groups to flex their electoral muscle with a groundswell of support for minimum wage ballot initiatives.

Our Giant Experiment With “Greed Is Good” Has Failed
when President Ronald Reagan and his free-market cronies came to town in the 1980s, something changed in US corporate culture.

Workers Walk Off the Job at World’s Richest University to Demand a Living Wage
700 cafeteria workers at Harvard, the richest university in the world, are on strike for the first time in three decades.

Boots on the Ground for Public Schools
In the midst of a presidential campaign circus, parents and teachers try to put the focus on state lawmakers — and kids.

Trump and Trade: At Least Partially Right
The fact that Donald Trump also criticizes US trade policy cannot be an excuse to prevent this debate.

Direct Democracy Is Starting to Shape City Budgets in Some US Communities
A new tool called participatory budgeting is boosting confidence among citizens in working with neighbors to solve problems together.

Economic Update: Capital for Worker Co-ops
This episode of Professor Wolff's radio show discusses rising productivity, flat wages and more.

Upsetting Billionaires at Standing Rock
The Native Organizers Alliance and tribal leaders are developing strategies to counter the economic elites behind the Dakota Access pipeline.