Search Results for “"dark money"”
Dark Money and the US Chamber of Commerce: Majority of Donations Given by Just 64 Entities
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is swimming in large donations from the top 1 percent.
Federal Lawsuit Filed Against FEC Seeks to Shed Light on Karl Rove’s “Dark Money” Donors
That administrative complaint charged that Rove's group violated federal campaign finance law during the 2010 election cycle.
Groups Sue FEC, Call on Federal Court to Overturn Dismissal of Complaint Against Crossroads GPS
Watchdog groups said Crossroads GPS should be registered as a political committee and subject to disclosure; FEC general counsel and half of commission agreed.
The Keystone XL Pipeline’s “Accidental Activists“
TransCanada drew its line in the red dirt. And Crawford has drawn hers. Win or lose, a powerful force has awoken in Texas.
First Things First: Until We Fix Our Democracy Problem, It’s Hard to Fix Any Problem
Marge Baker: “To fix our democracy problem, we have to be able to enact common-sense regulations on political spending.”
Four Years After Citizens United: Is Campaign Cash Buying Justice in State Courts?
Four years after the Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United, new research shows that outside spending has had a big impact on judicial races.
North Carolina Republicans Raise Taxes on Working Families While Giving Huge Tax Breaks to Millionaires and Corporations
Bill Black: North Carolina drops progressive tax code by instituting a flat tax and eliminating earned income tax credit.
Ads Telling Voters “Recall Is Not the Wisconsin Way” Funded by Out-of-State Koch Network
Despite the ads purporting to represent Wisconsin values, funding for the message came from well outside Wisconsin's borders.
North Carolina: Battleground State
This week on Moyers & Company, “State of Conflict: North Carolina” offers a documentary report from a state that votes both blue and red and sometimes purple.
Four Surefire Tips for Following the Money in Your State
Here are four easy-to-use tips for following the money in your state - and throwing some sunlight on the mega-donors trying to sway your elections.