Kids for Cash: Inside One of the Nation’s Most Shocking Juvenile Justice Scandals
The shocking story of how thousands of children in Pennsylvania were jailed by two corrupt judges who received $2.6 million in kickbacks from the builders and owners of private …
Ted Rall, “Pot”
What’s Missing Inside “Llewyn Davis“
The Coen brothers' latest movie, “Inside Llewyn Davis,” creates the now-gone world of folk music in the Greenwich Village of the early 1960s, but it totally misses key elements, …
Obamacare and Those Invincible Youngsters
Dean Baker: The focus on the young invincibles is largely a distraction. However it is not an altogether harmless distraction.
The Real Movers and Shakers
Instead of electoral politics, we should be paying more attention to the community-based movement building happening around the country.
Henry A. Giroux | Hardened Cultures and the War on Youth
This interview was conducted at the McMaster Centre for Scholarship in the Public Interest's 2013 “War on Youth” Summer Institute, Summer 2013.
Undocumented and Undaunted: DREAMer Artists Speak Out
The struggles of undocumented youth in the US often fly under the radar of the mainstream media but a new generation of young immigrants are making sure their voices …
Sexual Abuse and the Juvenile Justice System
Sexual violence is rampant in youth detention facilities. We know this because many kids who were victimized while in custody have bravely spoken out. We also know this because …
Michelle Alexander: “Zimmerman Mindset” Endangers Young Black Lives with Poverty, Prison and Murder
Alexander says the biases that led to Martinu2019s death and let his killer go free are deeply embedded in U.S. society and in the criminal justice system itself.
English-Language Manual Opens Up Kung Fu Secrets to West
Lam Chun-fai, a master of Southern Chinese kung fu style, Hung Kuen, is the first of the kung fu masters to publish a fighting manual in English. Hung Kuen …