New York Prisons Are Blatantly Violating State Law Limiting Solitary Confinement
Data released in New York exposes rampant violations of a state law limiting how long people may be held in isolation.
Across the Midwest, Counties Are Building New Jails on Toxic Land
At least 23 jails have either been proposed or constructed on toxic and contaminated lands since 2020.
1 in 4 Women Has a Family Member in Prison
Those that remain at home are left shouldering the economic and emotional burden of the family.
Some Youth Don’t Get to Go Back to School Because They’re Stuck Behind Bars
Many young people of color will spend their entire adult lives incarcerated, in many cases, based on coercion by cops.
Alabama Hides the Horrors of Its Executions by Classifying Them as Homicides
The recent state-sanctioned murder of Joe James may be the longest execution in U.S. history, but it's not an outlier.
Design Firm Wants to Build “Feminist” Jails and Prisons. Abolitionists Say “No.”
You will never find healing when you are isolated from those that help you feel cared for, says organizer Kami Beckford.
Biden Administration Has No Plan for Monkeypox Vaccine Access in Prisons
Jails and prisons could be high-risk spaces, but so far, proactive vaccinations aren't available.
Working in Prison Fields Didn’t “Correct” Me, It Revealed the System’s Brutality
If one was paid to design a system that exacerbates trauma for vulnerable women, this would be the ideal model.
I Stole to Feed My Family and Was Incarcerated. We Need Resources, Not Prisons.
The story of poverty in the Black community is directly related to the history of slavery, Jim Crow and redlining laws.
Bishop Barber Calls on Clergy to Go to Russia to Urge Release of Brittney Griner
The WNBA star was sentenced last week to nine years in a penal colony for possessing two ounces of cannabis oil.