DOJ Seeks Privacy Act Exemptions for FBI’s Extensive Biometric Database
The rule change request opened a window for public comment, which has since been extended after 45 organizations signed onto a public letter expressing serious concerns.
Anti-Lynching Laws Were Never Meant to Defend Black Lives: The Case of Jasmine Abdullah
These laws were invented not to protect Black lives but to allow the state to define the boundaries of legalized violence.
What’s the Future of Resistance to Racist Police Violence?
What is the future of resistance against racist police violence in the United States?
When a Killer Cop Retires: The Resignation of Dante Servin
Under Chicago's complicit government, instead of getting fired for killing Rekia Boyd, Dante Servin got away with murder.
The First Amendment Hasn’t Stopped Police From Harassing Copwatchers
While courts have ruled that filming the police is a First Amendment right, cops continue to harass those who record them.
Shadowy Conference of Nationwide SWAT Teams to Feature Notorious Anti-Muslim Crusader
Designated an extremist by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Ryan Mauro will conduct a training for police.
Black Lives Matter vs. the LAPD: Are the Police Unfairly Targeting and Surveilling the Movement?
Prosecutors in Los Angeles are determining whether to retry six Black Lives Matter activists whose trial recently ended in a hung jury.
Woman Faces 60 Years in Prison for the Death of Her Abusive Ex
Black women are disproportionately imprisoned when they defend themselves against domestic abuse.
Rights Lab: Can I Film the Police?
Filming police is legal in all 50 states — so why are people still being arrested while doing it?
NYPD’s Arrests of Citizen Journalists Should Spark Outrage
If freedom of the press means anything, it should protect the growing number of people who use media to hold powerful institutions accountable.